Friday, October 30, 2015

How effective are mental health apps?

Most apps for mental health, including those endorsed by the NHS, are clinically unproven and potentially ineffective, a new study has shown.

By: Emily Reynolds,

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Thursday, October 29, 2015

MEPs vote in favour of giving Snowden asylum in EU

The European Parliament has called on EU member states to drop all criminal charges against Edward Snowden and protect him against extradition to the United States.

By: James Temperton,

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Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Snowden slams UK government over encryption 'backdoor' plans

The UK government wants backdoor access to communications for "everything people actually use", Edward Snowden has claimed.

The former NSA contractor took to Twitter to criticise comments from Britain’s Baroness Shields, the UK minister for Internet Safety and Security, over her position on encrypted data held by companies.

By: Matt Burgess,

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European Parliament votes in favour of 'two speed' internet

The European Parliament has voted in favour of controversial net neutrality regulations. MEPs voted down four proposed amendments that critics argued would have closed loopholes in the regulations.

By: James Temperton and Matt Burgess,

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'Dragon's Lair' creators attempt to Kickstart full-length, $70m movie

Classic gaming series Dragon's Lair is planning a comeback, with the original creator launching a Kickstarter campaign to support a full length animated movie.

Now, a decade on from the last Dragon's Lair game, creator Don Bluth and long-time collaborator Gary Goldman have launched a crowdfunding effort to relaunch the cult hit as Dragon's Lair: The Movie. The pair are seeking $550,000 (£359k) in what they hope will also serve to re-energise traditional, hand-drawn 2D animation.

By: Matt Kamen,

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The ISS is home to potentially harmful bacteria

International Space Station

The International Space Station is being tested for bacteria in order to stop infection spreading amongst astronauts.

By: Becca Caddy,

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Palau creates world's sixth largest marine sanctuary

The Micronesian reserve, now the largest in the Pacific, will permit no fishing or mining

By: K.G Orphanides,

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You can now get official customised versions of Raspberry Pi

Tech distributor and systems design specialist element 14 signs deal with Raspberry Pi Trading to offer design and manufacturing services to OEM customers.

By: Becca Caddy,

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Facebook notifications get Google-inspired update

Facebook is updating its notifications to be more "personalised" with the launch of features not dissimilar from Google Now.

By: Matt Burgess,

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Belgium's Church of Scientology trial could result in a total ban

The Church of Scientology faces expulsion from Belgium -- the country where it has its European headquarters -- if it is found guilty of charges including  is charged fraud and extortion

By: Cara McGoogan,

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TalkTalk hack: teenage suspect released on bail

A 15-year-old boy arrested in connection with the cyber attack on TalkTalk has been released on bail.

By: James Temperton,

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Gin under threat as British juniper reaches 'critical state'

Britain's native juniper plants are at risk, with 79 percent found to be old, mature or dead.

By: K.G Orphanides,

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The biggest Xbox One update in history finally has a launch date

The biggest Xbox One update in history finally has a launch date

By: Michael Rundle,

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WIRED Awake: 10 must-read articles for 27 October

Your daily briefing. Today, a teenager has been arrested over the TalkTalk hack, Facebook begins rolling out its new personalised notification service, the next generation of US lawyers could be replaced by AIs and more.


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Tuesday, October 27, 2015

James Bond's stunt co-ordinator has an amazing job

Gary Powell has the kind of job that kids fantasise about. As stunt coordinator for the James Bond films, he gets the first go on all the latest spy gadgets

By: Oliver Franklin-Wallis,

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Cocaine, sex and social media: the untold story of Rio's most notorious cartel boss

How the boss of Rio de Janeiro’s most notorious cocaine cartel was brought down by a social media post

By: Misha Glenny,

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'Catamancer' is the all-cat 'Hearthstone' you've been waiting for

Blizzard's digital collectible card game Hearthstone is already a hit. But cats -- furry, adorable, occasionally cantankerous -- are also quite popular. It's safe to say that he internet loves cats. But why aren't there more cats in Hearthstone?

That's a question for Blizzard to answer. In the meantime though, indie developer Frostbolt Games is aiming to deliver the next best thing with Catamancer, a planned online multiplayer title which bills itself as "the one and only cat themed collectible card game!"

By: Matt Kamen,

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Ofcom confirms sale of UK spectrum for push towards 5G

The UK telecoms regulator has published details of how portions of the country's telecoms spectrum will be sold-off next year.

Ofcom has confirmed its intention to auction the 2.3 and 3.4 GHz spectrums as UK mobile networks move towards creation of 5G mobile networks.

By: Matt Burgess,

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YouTuber TomSka on comedy, anxiety and TV stardom

Thomas Ridgewell -- better known as YouTube comedy creator TomSka -- used to suck. His message for aspiring filmmakers? You suck, too.

By: Oliver Franklin-Wallis,

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Star Wars: Darth Maul game looking to resurrect itself for next-gen gamers

Back in April 2014, footage from an aborted Darth Maul video game hit the net. Devloped by Red Fly Studio, Battle of the Sith Lords was to have been a stealth-action game following the striking villain of The Phantom Menace. The title had been in production since 2010, but was killed by Disney's buyout of Lucasfilm -- the same deal that ultimately scuppered even Lucasarts' own highly-anticipated Star Wars 1313.

Now though, with Star Wars: Battlefront on the cusp of release, Red Fly is looking to resurrect the game, with plans to pitch it to current Star Wars games license holder EA.

By: Matt Kamen,

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DJ Black Coffee wants to take South African music global

This man became a hit DJ with one hand. Now he wants to take on iTunes in South Africa.

By: Andy Morris,

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These bird-inspired drones will do our dirty work

Mirko Kovac makes nature-inspired drones that can walk, swim and perch.

By: Mark Piesing,

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Bacon gives you cancer: global health study condemns processed meat

The World Health Organisation has classified processed meat as officially carcinogenic.

WHO said that according to most available evidence, just 50g of processed meat per day is enough to increase the risk of developing colorectal cancer by 18 percent.

By: Michael Rundle,

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Boozy comet expels massive amounts of alcohol into space

Comet Lovejoy has been releasing large amounts of alcohol and sugar into space.

By: Becca Caddy,

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Halo 5: Guardians review - almost angelic

Halo 5: Guardians is better than first impressions allow. It's deeper, with a far more complex and engaging story, than the time the Microsoft overlords permit for a preview can do justice to. Yet despite its unfurling narrative that weaves serpentine across the galaxy, it is ultimately exactly what we originally said: "the Halo you love, only more.... Halo-y."

Seemingly intent on making the series this generation's interactive Star Wars, developer 343 Industries chooses to lean heavily on the Halo universe's vast and expansive internal mythology. It's a good decision, giving players far more investment in the events unfolding and gifting meaning to the still familiar shooting gallery that defines the largely unaltered gameplay.

By: Matt Kamen,

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How will technology enhance our bodies by 2025?

In 2025, cancer will be defeated by biochemically adjusting the body's immune system and AI will help cure neurological conditions such as cerebral palsy and Parkinson's.

By: Gian Volpicelli,

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Steve Jobs biopic flops on opening weekend

Steve Jobs

Aaron Sorkin's long-awaited Steve Jobs biopic made just $7.3m (£4.76m) after its first weekend in the US.

By: Becca Caddy,

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Parachuting beavers once rained down on Idaho

The "great beaver drop" of 1948 was part of Idaho's program to relocate beavers. 

By: Cara McGoogan,

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Net neutrality at risk as EU heads for crucial vote

In Europe, the amount of money a company is able to pay could soon determine how fast its content is delivered over the internet.

By: James Temperton,

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Ai WeiWei parties with cyber games and emoji art

The Royal Academy's Ai WeiWei late show entertained, but did it do enough to make us think differently, or was it a kitsch re-presentation of his work?

By: Cara McGoogan,

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SXSW cancels 'GamerGate' panels over threats of violence

SXSW organisers have cancelled two gaming-related panels. One was centred on avoiding online harassment, while the other was seen as being pro-GamerGate.

By: Matt Kamen,

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PlayStation reveals 2016 plans: VR, No Man's Sky, Gran Turismo Sport

WIRED is live at Paris Games Week to cover all the big announcements from Sony's blockbuster conference

By: Michael Rundle,

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